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Laetare Catholic Multi-Academy Trust

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Our Vision of Education

The vision of education we offer is inspired by, and shared with, the Gaudete Trust. It is centred in
God, rooted in Christ, and animated by the spirit of the Founders of each of our Religious Orders.

Though our forms of education will change over time in response to developing needs, we will remain faithful to the eternal values of the Gospel, to the Church that Christ founded and to the enduring spirit of our Founders.

We celebrate the diversity of God’s creation and welcome and value the contribution made by those members of our communities who come from different faith traditions or none.

We offer a transforming, inclusive and ecological Catholic education founded on the belief that God’s signature can be seen in every corner of our world and in the hearts of every human being.

We hope to awaken each one of our young people to their dignity as a unique human being created by a God who loves them unconditionally. We believe that the liberating power of this truth will enable them to rejoice in their identity and achieve the fulness of life of which Jesus spoke.

We hope that they will grow in understanding of the inter-connectedness of our world and become responsible global citizens who care for the earth which is our common home.

We place a high value on both academic and human excellence, and we challenge and support each person to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable in both learning and in living.

We provide the highest standards of teaching and pastoral support to ensure that each young person flourishes. Our curriculum is intellectually rigorous and aspirational and prepares our young people to play an active and fruitful role in society.

We appoint leaders, staff and governors who are supportive of our vision and their adult formation and professional development is a key priority.

We place great importance on the spiritual dimension of our education, which helps our young people to search for meaning and integrate their beliefs with their day to day living. This is woven through every activity and every subject and can be discerned, for example, wherever there are conversations and reflection about the deeper meaning below the surface of ideas, events, or experiences, where there is silence and awe and wonder, where there is prayer and worship, where there is sacrament.

We encourage our young people to search for truth wherever it leads them, to develop critical minds that wrestle with the deeper questions of life and to grow hearts that are open to the needs of humanity. Faithful to the person of Jesus who taught us what it means to be human, we invite our young people to be people of faith, of hope, of forgiveness and love, people who will work for justice and show compassion for the vulnerable and the marginalised, people who will have the courage and independence of mind to challenge a materialistic culture, people who will have a care and respect for the earth, people who will be co-creators of a better world.